Following Colin Trevorrow‘s announcement that he would not be asking any original cast members back for Jurassic World, I’ve been mending my broken heart. I still don’t understand why they can’t at least have a cameo in the fourth Jurassic Park film. But alas. We must go on.
While we may not be seeing Jeff Goldblum back on the island, we will be seeing another familiar face. New Girl star Jake Johnson has officially been confirmed
With all the news surrounding the upcoming Jurassic Park 4 film, we thought Jurassic Park fans might like to check this out. Fans of the original classic movie know that the original cast members are everything. Dr. Alan Grant played by Sam Neill, Ian Malcolm played by Jeff Goldblum, and Elli Sattler played by Laura Dern made the movie as amazing as it was. Unfortunately, director Colin Trevorrow recently announced that he had decided not to ask any original cast members back for the new sequel.
Someone just hold me while I weep.
In a move that is clearly designed to crush my hopes and dreams, Jeff Goldblum has revealed that he was not called or asked back to appear in Jurassic World. If you recall, Sam Neill also said something similar. In an interview with The Huffington Post, Goldblum revealed that he’s in talks for Independence Day 2 but not Jurassic Park 4.
Jurassic World. It’s happening. It’s finally happening. Jurassic Park fans everywhere, including myself, are absolutely freaking out. Jurassic Park 4 has been given an official release date…and a new name! The film has been renamed “Jurassic World” and will be hitting theaters in 3D on June 12th, 2015.

Finally! A major step forward in the saga that is Jurassic Park 4. Hold on to your butts because fans now have an official plot for the new film! Earlier this month we learned that Jurassic Park 4 (directed by Colin Trevorrow) will be released in 2015 and has a tentative new logo for the flick, pictured above. has a source that has revealed the plot and story concept for the dinosaur sequel that should quash any fears of the movie being a let down.
Tamed dinosaurs.
Underwater dinosaurs.
I am SO ready for this. All I need now is a confirmation of the original cast returning.