Written by Josh.
Amid many new Chanels and some ridiculously awful yet charming accents, Scream Queens 2×05 delivered some truly outrageous moments. This week’s episode was definitely worth the nearly month-long wait between episodes.
Here are 10 of the craziest, funniest, and most gasp-worthy moments from Scream Queens 2×05:
1. The lack of sympathy for Chanel #5 as she lies dying on the floor.
“For the love of God, #5, Denise is dead. Can you maybe let us all have two minutes that isn’t about you?”
2. Denise being cryogenically frozen.
OK, so she’s brain dead but not 100% dead? This was a good way of not fully killing off Denise. But like… she’s basically dead anyway, right?
3. Chanel #3 getting heated about Chanel’s plans.
“No way. If anyone’s vag is getting steamed, it’s MY vag.”
4. Chanel #5 on the annoyance of not being in the ICU.
“In the meantime, no one has taken care of my actual life-threatening injury. I have received exactly ZERO Edible Arrangements!”
5. “Are you saying I might’ve had a stroke?”
This was possibly the best scene of Scream Queens 2×05. Seeing Cassidy, Brock, and Chanel #3 suddenly speaking in Scottish accents was among the top 10 greatest moments of this entire show, period.
6. Chanel and Hester bonding… in their own way.
Chanel: “What is wrong with you?”
Hester: “I’m psychotic, and a sociopath. I’m also allergic to gluten, but most importantly: I miss you!”
7. Hoffel’s meltdown.
This was the scene I was waiting for from Kirstie Alley. She was finally able to show off her comedic chops – and opposite Jamie Lee Curtis! What could be better?
8. The Chanel hospital makeover party.
I’m always down for an excuse for a really retro music montage. Seeing Chanel #5 noticeably uncomfortable in whatever she’s being forced to wear due to her injury is just the cherry on top.
9. Chanel #3’s musings on Hester’s whereabouts.
“Maybe she’s moved to a neighboring state with a less onerous tax burden and started killing people there.” (All said with a British accent. I seriously want to know how the cast kept a straight face during this scene.)
10. Cassidy in cahoots?
The ending of Scream Queens 2×05 explicitly reveals that Cassidy is in fact the son of the woman whose husband was left for dead in the swamp. Does he have more malicious motives behind getting that job at the C.U.R.E. Institute? It’s quite possible he’s involved with the Green Meanie. This is the closest we’ve gotten to any type of motive so far this season! See what happens on the sixth episode of Scream Queens next Tuesday at at 9/8c on FOX!
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