Pretty Little Liars may have destroyed my hopes and dreams last week but they made up for it this week..kind letting Troian Bellisario act her pants off. She’s so brilliant.
Read on for our recap of “She’s Come Undone“, season 4 episode 22 of Pretty Little Liars.
So last week, the writers confirmed that Ezra is not A and was never even on the A Team. They also managed to confirm that I hate them. Ezra being A was the best move to take and it was a risk that was worth it, in my opinion. I suppose the Ezria fans will win out in the end. that regard, why is no one on this show acknowledging the fact that, okay sure, Ezra may not be A. But at the very least, he’s got some serious issues. And he’s basically a pedophile that’s been stalking and spying on underage girls!
Whatever. Aria isn’t taking any of this well at all. She even wants to tell the principal about her and Ezra but Hanna stops her. Why?? Do it! After barfing up her dinner, Aria barges into school looking for Ezra and discovers he “took some time off”. Coward. He’s really in New York, setting a publication date for his book. What a dbag. Can’t the girls sue?
Aria goes to Ezra’s apartment and goes through all of his stalker material and notes. He’s been stalking her since she had pink streaks in her hair. He was really obsessed. Among the notes, Aria sees things like “Jason is a possible suspect“, “Mona is not A“, “Aria doesn’t suspect a thing“, and he also thinks one of the girls killed Alison. Not able to take it, Aria trashes the hell out of his apartment. Shatters everything. Burn it down! You go girl.
Hanna’s kind of boring this episode. She wears an ugly jumpsuit and kisses Detective Holbrook. Stop kissing everyone, Hanna. Ravenswood was canceled. Your man will be back.
Shana contacts Emily and asks her to send the money for Alison to a discreet location. Not wanting to let Alison down again, Emily agrees. Until Paige shows up. She’s sick of Emily’s lies and can’t mind her own business. She’s kind of annoying. I understand she wants to protect Emily but you can’t force her hand. Back off. She gives Emily an ultimatum and Emily is forced to tell her the truth about Alison being alive. Paige repays Emily for the truth by sending an anonymous note to the cops. This is gonna get good.
Spencer looks like crap, a fact that Toby points out to her. Her parents want her to go to rehab but Spencer begs for the chance to quit on her own. It’s not easy because A is leaving pills in her locker and Spencer eventually relapses. But oh my gosh. Troian Bellisario’s acting in this episode is fantastic. And she’s got some great material to work with. Too bad it will probably go nowhere.
In some of Ezra’s notes, Spencer discovers that her father hired a private investigator to follow her around after Alison disappeared. Because she was on pills back then, Spencer puts two and two together. Her father thinks she had something to do with it. In another of Ezra’s notes, Spencer reads that she and Alison had a fight the night she disappeared that resulted in Spencer picking up a shovel. And Mrs. Dilaurentis witnessed the whole thing.
OMG is she A?
Spencer confronts Alison’s mom about the whole situation and can’t control herself. I can’t wait to see where this goes. I hope they don’t give up on it like Mona, Toby, Jenna, and Ezra.
Watch the preview for next week’s episode here.
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