Are you ready for Glee to take on disco? Upon hearing the news that Nationals will be vintage themed, Will is inspired to inspire the kids to sing about Saturday Night Fever so they feel inspired about their future. They need to be inspired!
I’m going to pretend that it’s acceptable for every Senior student in this school to have to have their future planned and ready to go. According to Will, if you don’t, you suck and you have no dreams. More specifically, Finn, Santana, and Mercedes. This episode feels very rushed. Like they’re cramming these storylines in before the finale. Which they probably are. But it’s Glee.
Santana wants to be famous. No matter what. No matter how. Brittany, her loving girlfriend, decides that the best way to make her famous would be to splash her naked bits all over the internet. Even better, she spliced their sex tape with video of Lord Tubbington doing household chores. Isn’t this child porn? Can’t they all go to jail? Her second idea to make Santana famous involves animal testicles and storing her poop in the trunk of the car. Somewhere along the line, Brittany’s crazy makes Santana realize she deserves better for herself. That’s why she’s extremely appreciative when Sue tells her Brittany got her a scholarship to the University of Louisville. Does this mean no Santana in season 4?
The best, most important part of the episode, at least for me, is the return of Jesse St. James. Sure, he brought with him a contestant from The Glee Project but I can deal with it. This is another part of the episode that seems to come out of nowhere. There’s a lot of that tonight. There wasn’t enough time to properly utilize Jesse but he did give us the insult “Chunks Mcgriddle” so for that I am pretty darn grateful.
He is the coach of Vocal Adrenaline and he has a new hairdo. It’s pretty hot. However, the focus here is on Alex from The Glee Project. He’s playing Wade. A kid who wants to perform dressed as a girl named Unique. He goes to Kurt and Mercedes for advice on whether or not he should do it. They advise him not to because it’s Ohio and Jesse would probably flip a lid. Sue is enraged and tells them to deliver some hooker heels to Wade and make sure he performs as a girl so their group falls apart and New Directions can win at Nationals. Wade performs as Unique as planned and the look on Jesse’s face almost makes it worth it. Again, while out of nowhere and a bit forced, this storyline got more focus and proper treatment than Damian or Dreads ever did. And his voice is pretty phenomenal.
Speaking of Mercedes..Samcedes is happening! Mercedes has a dream. She even calls out Will for being a douchecanoe and thinking he knows what he’s talking about. I love her sometimes. She wants to be a great singer but knows the world is a big place and she may just be a carton of skim milk compared to the rest of LA. Sam believes in her and records a performance of hers and puts it on Youtube so she can see how amazing other people think she is. Then they kiss. Yay!
And now for Finn’s dream. The first half of his storyline is actually well done and entirely realistic. I should have known it wouldn’t last. Finn believes he’s a loser and not qualified for anything in life. This is a reality. He’s not a loser but that’s how so many people that age feel when they don’t know what they want to do or what they can do. Hell, I feel that way now. He throws a bunch of applications in the garbage and watches Saturday Night Fever. Then, he has some sort of epiphany and realizes his dream in life is to be an actor. He wants to apply to The Actor’s Studio. That’s some dream to realize in all of 5 minutes.
As the cast sings Stayin’ Alive at the end of the episode, I can’t help but notice that Quinn is nowhere to be found. In fact, she was barely in the episode at all. What gives?
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